The Haldimand & Norfolk Advocacy Toolkit has been developed to help individuals and organizations advocate for changes and policies to improve our communities. This step by step resource will give you the tools to refine your message, gain support and make your case to the decision makers.
This toolkit was made possible through funding from the Healthy Communities Partnership Haldimand Norfolk.
Community Support
Norfolk Pathways for People advocates for new and improved trails and pathways in Norfolk County [pathways include sidewalks, cycling paths]. Our members write letters of support and make deputations to Council in an effort to build a connected community that is safe for walking and cycling. If you have a concern in your neighbourhood, please feel free to contact us.
Norfolk County Active Transportation [AT] Strategy
Norfolk County’s Active Transportation system complements and connects existing and future off-road trails with a network of on-road cycling facilities that link people with places. The system provides residents and visitors with a continuous and connected system of facilities that are designed with safety in mind and are comfortable for active transportation users and integrated with local transit (i.e. Ride Norfolk). Pathways for People members were actively involved in the consultation phase in the development of the AT Strategy.
Check out the project website for the whole strategy: Norfolk County Active Transportation Strategy
Deputations and Letters to Council
- Deputation Council Local Business Opportunities
- Celebrating 10 Years of Norfolk Pathways for People
- Deputation to Norfolk Council re: sidewalk language in Official Plan
- Norfolk County’s Active Transportation [AT] Strategy [ISMP]
- Deputation to Norfolk County Council September 22, 2015 – Advocacy Toolkit
- Joint Deputation P4P – Presentation
- Delhi’s Argyle Ave
- Harvest Glen, Simcoe
- Orchard Ave / Chapel St, Simcoe
- Good news – deputation March 2011
- Deputation to Council re: Staff Report HS13-31 – Supporting Active Transportation through Policy
- Queensway West Sidewalk Construction
Letters of Support
- Phase 2 of the Rehabilitation of the Long Point Causeway Project — February 8, 2024
- Letter to MPP Toby Barrett
- Letter of Support for Sidewalks – Evergreen Hill Rd
- P4P letter Bluegrass Development Delhi
- Sidewalks: The Great Debate
- Beginner Driver Recommendations
- Ontario Trillium Foundation
- Minister of Transportation
- BHNCDSB letter of support
- Orchard Ave / Chapel St flyer
- Letter to Nature Conservancy of Canada
- Chief Coroner Cyclist Review 2011
- Chief Coroner Pedestrian Review 2011